Jerusalem if I forget you…
So leaving Beit Shean I was really upset, sad about what I was leaving behind, and wasn’t sure how Jerusalem was going to compare. I’m not sure what expectations I had coming into living in Jerusalem, bur I can say that I am blown away by how amazing my experience has been. It has been a completely different experience from Beit Shean, but once again I’m super sad to leave. There are so many things that make Jerusalem special, and that have made my time here special.
Jerusalem- the holy city.
I love the city of Jerusalem itself. There is something so unique and special about this city, that everyone is drawn to live here. Jerusalem is arguably the most important city in the world, and the center of several world religious as well as entire nations. You can feel the importance in the air, and it’s amazing to people-watch every day and see the diversity of everyone here. From religious Jews to secular Jews, from religious Arabs, to secular Arabs, to religious Christians, to secular Christians, to tourists, to natives, to everything in between. Riding the bus from Har Hotzofim into town (what I do every day) I literally see almost everyone from that list everyday. Also the landscape in Jerusalem is beautiful. While the hills are annoying to climb, and sometimes are confusing when you are lost, they are also make the city’s landscape interesting and unique. Every street looks different, and walking around is like a little adventure every day. The city has a mix of the new and the old, all throughout blending ancient days with modern society. The views in the old city never get old, and the new bridge, the train that I’m convinced will never actually run, and the new mamilla shopping center all create an awesome new atmosphere. I love just walking around Jerusalem and taking of advantage of the time I have here to explore this amazing city.
My Internship- Woo Young Judaea!!
My internship with YJ has been top notch! I have had a wonderful experience interning with all the short-term programs staff here in the Israel office. I have learned a lot about young Judea, Israel programs in general, and random office stuff. I have been able to contribute a lot to the office also, which has been really rewarding. Today was my last day, and a I had a very nice goodbye, where everyone in the office said some really nice things to me about my time working there. Everyone thanked me for my warm personality, willingness to always help, and ability to get a lot done. One one hand it was so wonderful to hear all these things, on another hand it makes it hard to leave, when everyone is being so awesome. OTZMA is an incredible program, but it has this tendency to yank me out of places just as I get completely in the zone.
Like in Beit Shean, I’m not exactly sure what it is that I’m doing so well, but apparently I have done a really great job. This point is getting to be repetitive, but really this year has been such a “year on” for me. I have also really enjoyed working with all the people in the office they are great group of people, who have been so welcoming, friendly, and fun to work with. Overall I am so happy to have had this opportunity, I was able to see how a Youth movement works from the inside, and got to meet some really amazing people.
My Awesome OTZMA Roommates
5 girls in one apartment seems like it would be one big drama-filled disaster, but the 5 five of us living together has been the complete opposite, Jen, Tracy, Lauren, Erin, and I have all clicked so well together and really created a little family in our apartment. There has been no drama and no problems, and every day we sit down and talk about our days. I have gotten to know everyone so much better, and I am so glad that I got the opportunity, because everyone in our apartment is fantastic each in their own ways. Having such a smooth running, happy, friendly apartment has made my experience in Jerusalem that much more enjoyable and fun. I know I will keep in touch with all these girls when I go back to the states, and I am so happy to see the bond we all have formed with each other.
Overall my experience in Jerusalem has been unforgettable, between the city itself, my awesome internship, and living with some of the coolest girls around, I really am starting to connect to Matisyahu’s “Jerusalem if I forget you, let my right hand forget what’ it’s supposed to do…” I have loved my time in Jerusalem and I can’t wait to come back! Next year in Jerusalem!
My awesome roomies! <3
Amazing YJ staff!! <3
My "don't go" cake-- so cute but kinda sad =(
my view every morning walking to the bus...nbd
the old city
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